Welcome to FAR SEAS
FAR SEAS (Fetal Alcohol Reduction and exchange of European knowledge after SEAS) was a tendered service contract awarded by the European Commission to a coordinated group of institutions lead by the CLÍNIC Foundation for Biomedical Research (FCRB, Barcelona).
FAR SEAS developed, piloted and evaluated an evidence-based good practice, at a regional level, to reduce the risk of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and alcohol-related harm in pregnant women and women of childbearing age, starting with mapping existing good practice:
Please click here to be redirected to a short (5 minute) questionnaire to provide initial information on national, local or international good practice to prevent pre-natal alcohol exposure.
In addition, in synergy with another tendered contracts on alcohol – DEEP SEAS AlHaMBRA – FAR SEAS organised a series of thematic workshops with the Member States, aimed at capacity building, knowledge sharing and best practice exchange in the areas of FASD; cross-border dimension of alcohol purchases; and alcohol marketing and advertising in digital media.